Friday, September 28, 2012

You're Invited!



Fairmont Holiday Inn
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
6:00p.m. Dinner and Presentation

Our community plays a big role in our health. We need readily available fresh fruits and vegetables and safe places to walk and bike. We need our schools to offer healthy foods and encourage physical activity. We need our workplaces to encourage physical activity and healthy options. We need smoke-free multi-unit housing, work places and campuses.

Creating healthy communities not only improves the health of the citizens who live there, but also boosts economic development, communi-ty vitality and enhances the quality of life for all—whether it is the child learning about new fruits and vegetables in daycare to the senior citizen, no longer able to drive, but who can safely walk to the post office and remain independent.

Our local Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) has been working hard on exactly that. Find out more on October 23, including, what more needs to be done, and what we can accomplish, together.

This event is free, however RSVP is required by October 19, 2012 by registering here: