Monday, December 10, 2012

CJFMW SHIP Receives UCARE Grant!

A while back, CJFMW SHIP learned they had received a $50,000 grant from the UCARE Foundation in Minnesota! This funding allowed the Community Leadership Team to open up grant opportunities in schools and worksites throughout the five counties to implement sustianable SHIP strategies in their own sites!  Several grants were recently awarded to schools and worksites to participate in SHIP! Congrats to our grantees and welcome aboard our SHIP!!

Cottonwood County Family Services
City of St. James
Martin County West Schools
Windom Area Hospital
HyVee of Windom
Truman Area Schools
Southwest Star Concept (Heron Lake-Okabena)
Madelia Public Schools

A big THANK YOU to the UCARE Foundation for this wonderful opportunity! We are able to increase our capacity and our ability to influence healthy changes in our communities as a result of this grant funding!

Exciting progress being made by Wells Active Living Coalition and USC Safe Routes to School committees

Students from United South Central Schools Participating in Wells Walking Wednesday- part of their Safe Routes to Schools Program.
The Wells Area Active Living Coalition (WALC) and United South Central Schools (USC) Safe Routes to School committees have been meeting monthly with city officials, city and county engineers, Region 9 Development Commission and Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to develop plans for safe access for walkers and bikers when their new school site opens Fall of 2014.  The City of Wells and USC Schools will be co-applicants for a SRTS grant which will be completed by Bolton and Menk along with Region 9. The grant will focus on three areas:

  • A safe method for students crossing Hwy 22
  • New sidewalks in identified priority routes
  • Repair of existing sidewalks in priority routes
Scott Thompson, MnDOT District 7 Traffic Engineer attended the November meeting to talk about options for traffic control on Hwy 22.  He brought information on RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon) as one option for safe crossing of Hwy 22.  An HSIP grant has been submitted requesting funding for the RRFB.

A recent community survey of the top 5 destinations in the community confirmed that safe access to the schools in our community is a priority, but also how safe routes will benefit other walkability aspects of the community. The Active Living Wells Comprehensive Plan has been updated to reflect the community responses.  On December 10 the committee will present information to the City Council to secure their support of the application and plan.  The public will be invited to an informational meeting January 23 from 5-7 pm at the Wells Community Building.

Cottonwood County Family Services Adopts Employee Wellness Policy

Cottonwood County Family Services Agency (CCFSA) is working on the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) worksite wellness strategy.  The organization has made strides to improve the culture of health in the worksite and has passed a Nutrition and Physical Activity policy.  Other notable changes to improve wellness in the worksite included implementing a healthy snack program, providing nutrition education for employees, and developing walking route maps.

After just a few months of working with SHIP, the CCFSA developed a worksite wellness policy.  The policy demonstrates the organizations commitment to healthy eating and physical activity, and it provides a foundation to support for the efforts that are being made to improve health of employees.  The policy encourages employees to eat well and outlines the goals of the healthy snack program and encourages employees to bring healthy food options for meetings and when sharing food with co-workers.  The policy also encourages employees to get up and move before and after work or during break times.  

 A healthy snack program was developed to support worksite wellness.  Wellness committee members take turns buying and stocking healthy snacks that can be purchased by employees for a nominal charge.  The fee helps cover the cost of the snacks and enables the program to be sustainable.  SHIP funded the initial start-up cost of implementing the program, but now the snacks have paid for the ongoing expenses.

 After completing an employee assessment, the Wellness Committee determined that there was a need for nutrition education.  CCFSA has contacted with the local Hy-Vee store Dietitian to provide a comprehensive training program that will provide a baseline understanding of nutrition concerns to help control their weight.

 To help encourage walking, CCFSA mapped outdoor walking routes of varying distances.  The routes will help employees determine how far they can walk during their allotted break times. Indoor routes were also mapped to help during inclement weather and to provide opportunities to those need a controlled environment.  In addition to walking routes, employees are encouraged to deliver mail, rather than using mailboxes and to stand up while talking on the phone. 

 The addition of a Wellness Policy will support the wellness efforts that are being implemented, and it will help keep CCFSA on the right track toward having healthier, productive employees. 

Fairmont Youth Make Voices Heard!

Fairmont Area Schools held its first Youth Wellness Committee meeting on Friday, December 6th. The Committee consisted of 10 students between the ages of 8 and 12. The Youth Wellness Committee is designed to give students a voice on healthy changes for their school. We wanted to hear from a students’ perspective how they feel about school nutrition and active school day activities. These 10 students are very passionate about health and are looking forward to helping their school make changes to their wellness policies. Students will meet once a month, focusing on different topics at each meeting. In January, students will spend time focusing on school nutrition.  CJFMW SHIP is excited to see the outcome of having students lead the healthy efforts in their school!