SPARK Physical Education Curriculum Training for Early Childhood/ Preschool Teachers (Ages 3-5)
Friday, December 17
9a.m.– 4 p.m.
Armstrong School, St. James, MN
Cost: Free for organizations within Faribault, Martin & Watonwan Counties
$100.00 per participant for organizations outside FMW Counties
Lunch provided by provided by Faribault, Martin & Watonwan Counties SHIP
RSVP by December 10—to Sue Harris- Watonwan County Community Ed & Rec — 507-375-4517—Space is limited to 40 participants.
The focus of Early Childhood staff development is to train the preschool teacher on age-appropriate activities that motivate and encourage young children to be physically active.
Each workshop is targeted for the needs of that particular audience and is designed to provide each attendee with a working knowledge of SPARK’s unique content and instructional strategies. Preschool teachers learn by doing and are motivated by SPARK’s dynamic and knowledgeable trainers. This is an active workshop, so be sure to dress comfortably with tennis shoes.
Designed specifically for the preschool teacher, this is a practical document presented in a simple and easy-to-use format. Over 400 pages of dynamic, musical, and academically integrated activities are sectioned into 12 instructional units (e.g., Movin’ Magic, Fancy Feet, Silly Scarves and Streamers, etc.). Each unit is presented in scope and sequence via engaging daily lesson plans. SPARK activities “build-in” helpful management and organization tips with brief, scripted lessons presented in a “read-to-the-children” format. SPARK EC is easy to learn, easy to teach and FUN for everyone!

The curriculum costs $69.99 and is not included with the training. To order curriculum and/or equipment—contact: Katie Hemlin Fenton Program Consultant 1-800-SPARK-PE x2212
To ensure delivery of the manual prior to the training, order by Dec 6, 2010
For more information about the SPARK program visit:
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