In support of a new City Proclamation encouraging the citizens of Wells to be physically active and eat healthy, the Wells Area Active Living Coalition is sponsoring a 4 Week Healthy Lifestyles Challenge. Even blizzard-like conditions didn't stop nearly 90 citizens from attending the kick-off event and signing up for the challenge at the Wells Community Building on Wednesday, May 1st. Those attending the kick-off received helpful information from the American Heart Association, American Lung Association, Bike Safety, Wells Area Chamber of Commerce, The Grind, Workout 24/7, USC Schools SMART, SPARK and school nutrition, USC Community Education, Safe Routes to School, LANA the Iguana and I Am Moving I Am Learning Early Childhood curriculum. Bolton & Menk provided a walking map with 6 routes with varying mileage. Delicious and healthy snacks were provided by Wells Marketplace. Registration remained open through May 8th, where an additional 75 participants signed up to participate!
Participants in the Challenge received a fact sheet
discussing the value of healthy eating and physical activity and a daily log to
check off their successes in the following categories:
- No smoking
- 5+ fruits and vegetables
- 64oz water
- 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity
- Stress Management
- Weight Maintenance
The Challenge will end May 29th 6-8 pm at Half
Moon Park with a drawing for prizes and awarding of t-shirts at 7pm for all who
check off a minimum of 50 items on the challenge sheet. Participants are encouraged to bring a healthy picnic
lunch and take a walk around the park.