The Blue Earth Active Living Coalition has
their sights set on becoming a Bikeable Community and one of the first steps
was to host a Bikeable Communities Workshop. The workshop overviewed current
concerns as well as strategies Blue Earth can take to become more ‘bike
friendly.’ Having recently completed major infrastructure changes to Highway
169, which includes three roundabouts, the community was praised on having
made sure the new changes allowed pedestrians and bikers to safely navigate
the busy highway. The workshop was attended by 25 participants, which included
representation from the school, city council, city engineer, police department,
chamber of commerce and Region 9 Development Commission, just to name a few. As
an outcome of the workshop, several priorities were identified to move the
community towards their goal. These included: 1) Creating a master plan for
biking and walking- broaden survey base to include youth- identify routes to
connect top destinations, 2) Complete gaps in trail near high school 3)
Consider a parking study of downtown 4)
Begin an effort for before school – remote drop-off, corner captains, include
buses, work with churches 5) Incentivize 8th grade to bike to
school (8th grade moving to H.S. this year), 6) create safe route
map for riding to high school and 7)
Re-establish bike safety day – with a bike rodeo. The group is also utilizing
SHIP funds to enter a contract with city engineering firm, Bolton & Menk
to assist coalition in completion of Bike Friendly Communities Application.
The group is also considering way-finding signage on designated bike routes to
link community resources and pedestrian/visitor travel.

All of the bikeability
talk in Blue Earth has caught the attention of the Chamber/Visitor Bureau In
the long-term, the Chamber of Commerce/Visitor Bureau is looking to relocate
their offices to the Green Giant Statue. Over 2,000 visitors per day stop to
visit the Giant, so a bike check-out station is also in the group’s radar.
Chamber Director, Cindy Lyon, not a bike owner herself, borrowed a bike to
participate in the workshop. She was so excited by the prospects of a bike
friendly Blue Earth, she went out and purchased a new shiny green (jolly green
giant color) bicycle the next day. Now, instead of driving to meetings and
when running errands, she now rides her bike. “WHEW! I rode my new bike out to the
Giant Statue this morning to do some work. Back on the bike trail I saw so
many things we do not see in a car or even a motorcycle. I got a close look at
the river, the camp site, and the fairgrounds! Giant goal...ride to the way
side rest sites! Thanks SHIP & Active Living for the tender push to get my
bike!” Cindy Lyon, Chamber & Visitor Bureau Director, City of Blue Earth.

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