Friday, September 11, 2015

Bike Faribault County!

A chilly morning in late May didn't stop 35 cyclists from participating in the First Annual Bike Faribault County Day event. The Active Living Coalitions in both Wells and Blue Earth partnered to plan and coordinate the event, which was intended to celebrate successes, such as working with MnDOT to pave extended shoulders on Highway 109 to allow for smoother biking and connecting communities throughout the county.
 Chelsea Sonnek, lead coordinator of the 2015 event, was excited about the county-wide participation, “One of the highlights from the event was seeing the representation from each community throughout the county!” 

The towns included along the bike tour were Blue Earth, Winnebago, Easton, Delavan, and Wells. Participants were able to customize their bike ride, choosing they to complete the whole bike tour (12.5 miles) or creating their own ride by selecting their own starting and ending points. Participants were encouraged to stop in communities along the ride, with event coordinators encouraging riders to explore restaurants, parks, wildlife areas, and historic sights. There were also refreshments and registration in each town. The Broken Shop cyclist repair shop of Blue Earth was also on hand to assist riders with any bike repairs during the event.

“Everyone who commented to me said that they enjoyed the route and the ride!” Dar Holmseth, Community Ed Director for Blue Earth Area Schools.
Check out the press coverage from KEYC-TV on the Bike Faribault County Day event:

Butterfield Community Comes Together For Hands Around the Lake Event!

242 community members hit the open trails at the Butterfield Hands Around the Lake Event. The event promotes walking and biking and encourages community members to walk the beautiful trail around Butterfield Lake. The Butterfield Active Living Coalition provided education to participants on pedestrian safety and safe walking and biking. One of the goals for this years event was to have enough community members participating to hold hands and circle the entire lake!


Madelia Community Helps Local Restaurant Choose Healthy Drink Options!

La Plaza Fiesta in Madelia, owned by local, Krystal Hernandez, partnered with FMW SHIP and the Madelia: Rethink Your Drink Project to introduce a new healthier drink options to the menu.  Staff at La Plaza Fiesta
created three fruit-infused water recipes and held a contest with customers to help them decide which flavors should be added to the menu. Throughout the month of July, customers could sample three different fruit-infused water flavors - Cucumber Mint, Berry Blast and Citrus Kiss. Both Berry Blast and Citrus Kiss were favorites among voting customers, so both flavors were added to the menu beginning in August. Patrons can now enjoy  healthy, naturally-sweetened water for less than the price of a soda!
“We are excited to try the fruit-infused waters and see how people like it. We think it will be a great partnership to have with SHIP and will help Madelia stay healthy.”-Krystal Hernandez, La Plaza Fiesta owner.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

BEAM encourages healthy eating for mentors & mentees!

 Influenced by a mentor’s concern and supported through the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP), the Blue Earth Area Mentors (BEAM) program was able to develop a nutrition policy that would encourage mentors and mentees to chose healthy food options.

 The policy implementation is most visible during their planned monthly activity when all mentors and mentees come together. A meal is planned and prepared by the advisory council consisting of a two high school and 2 middle school students and the BEAM coordinator, Katy Gonzalez.

Kyra Ober, the president of the advisory council for three years shares that she “was surprised by what was available locally at Jubas Supervalue for healthy foods.” She also stated that kids asked “why?” at first in regards to eating healthy. Kyra response was that its “actually fun to be creative and plan a meal.” She was excited to have input on their monthly menu planning where they either came up with ideas, got them from the internet, or from foods class at Blue Earth Area High School. Her favorite menu item that has been repeated includes fruit salsa consisting of strawberries, kiwi, orange juice, apples, fruit preserves and honey, paired with a baked whole wheat tortilla strip sprinkled with cinnamon. Other favorites included fresh vegetables with chicken as in fajitas, wraps or salads.

“The influence came from a mentor’s concern to discuss healthy eating in a non-offensive way,” states Gonzalez, while reflecting on how it got started. After talking with the mentor, Gary Holmseth, it was evident the impact the mentors have on the mentees and vise versa. When they are with each other one-on-one, there is a great opportunity and responsibility to educate in that time. He is encouraging his mentee to try new things and limit his sugar intake.

The January banquet brought together not only mentors and mentees but family members as well for the first time, where they featured a healthy three course meal, did activities, and conducted a survey on the nutrition policy.

In an effort to continue educating the mentors, mentees and family members, Katie has decided to submit the featured menus in the monthly newsletter and is interested in developing a recipe book.
For more information on BEAM or the policy, visit: