Help your employees stay healthy by providing extra water, physical activity breaks, fruit and veggies or other healthy snacks. As always, we recommend that people stay home when sick, cover their cough, and practice good hand hygiene; washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds when available, otherwise using hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. These recommendations are especially important now.
Staying home when sick is a fundamental "stop the spread" tip. Staying home when sick protects not only other individual employees but also the larger workforce of an organization. One sick employee staying home may be an inconvenience, but an entire team of sick employees can become a far greater problem for the entire organization or business.
Have a lactation room? Your lactation room could be used as a quiet room for de-stressing. Lactating mothers have priority, as always. Consider putting up a gratitude board in your place of work to encourage employees to focus on the positive.
Sleep is extra important these days for helping your body stay strong. Basic practices are to not have caffeine after 6 pm, don't exercise right before bed and consider writing down 3 good things before you go to bed to reduce stress the same way a gratitude board can.
Follow this link for more sleep hygiene tips: about_sleep/sleep_hygiene.html
Want to learn more? Here is guidance specifically for workplaces. Follow the links below of these reputable resources.
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