Monday, December 10, 2012

CJFMW SHIP Receives UCARE Grant!

A while back, CJFMW SHIP learned they had received a $50,000 grant from the UCARE Foundation in Minnesota! This funding allowed the Community Leadership Team to open up grant opportunities in schools and worksites throughout the five counties to implement sustianable SHIP strategies in their own sites!  Several grants were recently awarded to schools and worksites to participate in SHIP! Congrats to our grantees and welcome aboard our SHIP!!

Cottonwood County Family Services
City of St. James
Martin County West Schools
Windom Area Hospital
HyVee of Windom
Truman Area Schools
Southwest Star Concept (Heron Lake-Okabena)
Madelia Public Schools

A big THANK YOU to the UCARE Foundation for this wonderful opportunity! We are able to increase our capacity and our ability to influence healthy changes in our communities as a result of this grant funding!

Exciting progress being made by Wells Active Living Coalition and USC Safe Routes to School committees

Students from United South Central Schools Participating in Wells Walking Wednesday- part of their Safe Routes to Schools Program.
The Wells Area Active Living Coalition (WALC) and United South Central Schools (USC) Safe Routes to School committees have been meeting monthly with city officials, city and county engineers, Region 9 Development Commission and Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to develop plans for safe access for walkers and bikers when their new school site opens Fall of 2014.  The City of Wells and USC Schools will be co-applicants for a SRTS grant which will be completed by Bolton and Menk along with Region 9. The grant will focus on three areas:

  • A safe method for students crossing Hwy 22
  • New sidewalks in identified priority routes
  • Repair of existing sidewalks in priority routes
Scott Thompson, MnDOT District 7 Traffic Engineer attended the November meeting to talk about options for traffic control on Hwy 22.  He brought information on RRFB (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon) as one option for safe crossing of Hwy 22.  An HSIP grant has been submitted requesting funding for the RRFB.

A recent community survey of the top 5 destinations in the community confirmed that safe access to the schools in our community is a priority, but also how safe routes will benefit other walkability aspects of the community. The Active Living Wells Comprehensive Plan has been updated to reflect the community responses.  On December 10 the committee will present information to the City Council to secure their support of the application and plan.  The public will be invited to an informational meeting January 23 from 5-7 pm at the Wells Community Building.

Cottonwood County Family Services Adopts Employee Wellness Policy

Cottonwood County Family Services Agency (CCFSA) is working on the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) worksite wellness strategy.  The organization has made strides to improve the culture of health in the worksite and has passed a Nutrition and Physical Activity policy.  Other notable changes to improve wellness in the worksite included implementing a healthy snack program, providing nutrition education for employees, and developing walking route maps.

After just a few months of working with SHIP, the CCFSA developed a worksite wellness policy.  The policy demonstrates the organizations commitment to healthy eating and physical activity, and it provides a foundation to support for the efforts that are being made to improve health of employees.  The policy encourages employees to eat well and outlines the goals of the healthy snack program and encourages employees to bring healthy food options for meetings and when sharing food with co-workers.  The policy also encourages employees to get up and move before and after work or during break times.  

 A healthy snack program was developed to support worksite wellness.  Wellness committee members take turns buying and stocking healthy snacks that can be purchased by employees for a nominal charge.  The fee helps cover the cost of the snacks and enables the program to be sustainable.  SHIP funded the initial start-up cost of implementing the program, but now the snacks have paid for the ongoing expenses.

 After completing an employee assessment, the Wellness Committee determined that there was a need for nutrition education.  CCFSA has contacted with the local Hy-Vee store Dietitian to provide a comprehensive training program that will provide a baseline understanding of nutrition concerns to help control their weight.

 To help encourage walking, CCFSA mapped outdoor walking routes of varying distances.  The routes will help employees determine how far they can walk during their allotted break times. Indoor routes were also mapped to help during inclement weather and to provide opportunities to those need a controlled environment.  In addition to walking routes, employees are encouraged to deliver mail, rather than using mailboxes and to stand up while talking on the phone. 

 The addition of a Wellness Policy will support the wellness efforts that are being implemented, and it will help keep CCFSA on the right track toward having healthier, productive employees. 

Fairmont Youth Make Voices Heard!

Fairmont Area Schools held its first Youth Wellness Committee meeting on Friday, December 6th. The Committee consisted of 10 students between the ages of 8 and 12. The Youth Wellness Committee is designed to give students a voice on healthy changes for their school. We wanted to hear from a students’ perspective how they feel about school nutrition and active school day activities. These 10 students are very passionate about health and are looking forward to helping their school make changes to their wellness policies. Students will meet once a month, focusing on different topics at each meeting. In January, students will spend time focusing on school nutrition.  CJFMW SHIP is excited to see the outcome of having students lead the healthy efforts in their school!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Park Apartments in St. James Adopts Smoke-Free Policy!

Park Apartments in St James, MN was designed to provide safe and healthy environment for its residents.   On April 1, 2013, a smoke-free policy goes into effect.  The smoke-free policy covers all units, all common areas and 25 feet around the perimeter of the building.

Linda Blackstad, Executive Director for the St James HRA/Park Apartments, says the company chose to put the smoke-free policy into effect as a way to prevent secondhand smoke exposure in the building. “The health and well being of residents is our top priority. A smoke-free building is safer and contributes to a better living environment,” she said.

“We want apartment name to be a home all residents will enjoy,” said Blackstad.

With the help of Bonnie Frederickson, CJFMW SHIP Community Specialist, a tenant survey was conducted.  The survey indicated that the majority of respondents were in favor of living in a smoke free building.  They also recognized the dangers of secondhand smoke.  Based on this survey, the HRA board passed a resolution on November 8 to adopt a smoke free building policy. 

Notification of tenants regarding the policy is underway.  Tenant education will be provided, including cessation supports in the near future.  Tenant leases will include an addendum that addresses the smoke-free policy and will need to be signed by each tenant.  The entire building will be smoke-free on April 1.

Live Smoke Free, a program of the Association of Non-Smokers Minnesota has been offering assistance to the CJFMW Smoke Free Multi-unit Housing strategy including the Lunch and Learn that was held in Fairmont on October 18.   

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Movement Fuels Brain Power!

The Minnesota Department of Health and SHIP offered a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) training at Jackson County Central Schools on November 15.  The training was open to all districts within Cottonwood, Jackson, Watonwan, Faribault and Martin Counties.  The day-long event was facilitated by a certified training for the National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NAPSE), Georgi Roberts.  Roberts is the Director of Health and Physical Education for the Fort Worth Independent School District. With more than 40 people in attendance, the goal of the training was to develop a comprehensive plan for physical activity with staff, and through before and after school programs, physical activity in the classroom and recess, as well as physical activity extending beyond the school day to bring families and community together in a healthy way.  

Because all kids need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity, schools need to be creative to create a culture where physical activity is welcome and part of the school day.  Time for physical activity does not decrease academic achievement; rather it removes barriers to learning.  Research shows physical activity during school can reinforce and link classroom content, and facilitates retention, concentration and on-task behavior. Roberts offered practical ways for schools to change the way they do things and focus on healthier activities.  Some examples included adding Jammin’ Minute physical activities twice or more each day to get kids up and moving;  drop in activity time for middle school and high school kids where activities are available such as Boo-Boo Volleyball and Cardio Four Square; evaluating fundraising efforts to eliminate selling cookie dough and instead trying to plan a walk-a-thon (one school with 700 children raised more than $34,000 from one walk-a-thon!); try recess before lunch and schedule classes that kids struggle with right after lunch; develop an award program such as the “bronzed sneaker trophy” that can be moved monthly to the class demonstrating the most physical activity in their day; incorporate movement into meetings either through frequent activity breaks or through walking meetings; develop walking school buses; plan Fitness Friday and encourage parents and kids to walk together, or host a field day for families.

The training offered practical ideas that can be implement immediately, and other ideas that will take some time to plan with staff to ensure everyone is on board from food service, teachers, paraprofessionals, custodians and administration.  The lesson learned is that physical activity increases brain activity, so Let’s Move!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Growing Healthy Communities in Cottonwood, Jackson, Faribault, Martin and Watonwan Counties

It was a lovely night in October when about 110 community leaders from all five counties came together to learn more about how the SHIP program is working with community partners to create healthier communities. Special guest speakers for the evening included:Miss Minnesota Siri Freeh, Senator Julie Rosen and Deputy Commissioner James Koppel. Several community members also had time to share their story of how SHIP funds are making a difference in their community or organization. The program also featured a menu of 12 foods from 12 different local growers/producers in the area. Thank you to everyone who attended, to the local growers for providing the food, to our wonderful community partners and speakers!!

Miss Minnesota with a few of the local growers who provided food for the event

Miss Minnesota and Deputy Commissioner James Koppel

Miss Minnesota and Senator Julie Rosen

Miss Minnesota and a few of the CJFMW SHIP Staff

Friday, October 12, 2012

Smoke-Free Housing: The Smart Investment for Property Managers

Area Apartment Owners and Managers are Invited to Attend Lunch and Learn on Smoke-Free Policies for Multi-unit Housing   


Thursday, October 18th


Fairmont Pizza Ranch

1101 North State Street


Join the Cottonwood-Jackson-Faribault-Martin-Watonwan Statewide Health Program (CJFMW SHIP) and learn how a smoke-free policy can help protect your investment and save you money.  Topics to be covered include how to work successfully with residents, how to effectively implement a policy on your property, and answers to common legal questions.


This free lunch and learn will feature guest speakers Kara Skahen from the Live Smoke Free program in St. Paul and Warren Ortland, a staff attorney from the Public Health Law Center in St. Paul.  Both have extensive experience assisting landlords throughout Minnesota in adopting smoke-free policies for their properties.  Bonnie Frederickson, Public Health Nurse and community specialist with CJFMW SHIP also will be available to review the resources available locally to help property owners and managers develop smoke-free policy.


Pre-registration is needed by Saturday, October 13.  RSVP’s can be made online at   Questions on this event can be directed to Bonnie Frederickson, CJFMW SHIP Community Specialist at or by calling 507-831-5091.                                           


This event is made possible through local funding to Human Services of Faribault and Martin Counties in collaboration with Cottonwood and Jackson Counties Community Health Services and Watonwan County Human Services. For more information, visit or 

Friday, September 28, 2012

You're Invited!



Fairmont Holiday Inn
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
6:00p.m. Dinner and Presentation

Our community plays a big role in our health. We need readily available fresh fruits and vegetables and safe places to walk and bike. We need our schools to offer healthy foods and encourage physical activity. We need our workplaces to encourage physical activity and healthy options. We need smoke-free multi-unit housing, work places and campuses.

Creating healthy communities not only improves the health of the citizens who live there, but also boosts economic development, communi-ty vitality and enhances the quality of life for all—whether it is the child learning about new fruits and vegetables in daycare to the senior citizen, no longer able to drive, but who can safely walk to the post office and remain independent.

Our local Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) has been working hard on exactly that. Find out more on October 23, including, what more needs to be done, and what we can accomplish, together.

This event is free, however RSVP is required by October 19, 2012 by registering here:

Monday, July 16, 2012


SHIP has new mini-grant funding opportunities!!  We are awarding out $20,000 of funding to projects that aim to increase access and consumption of healthy foods. Grants up to $5,000 will be awarded to at least 4 sites within the five counties (Cottonwood, Jackson, Faribault, Martin & Watonwan)

Potential projects include:
 -Increasing EBT access at Farmers’ Markets
 -Starting a Farmers’ Market in a community, worksite, school or hospital.
 -Offering nutrition information on menu’s (local restaurants)
 -Processing local foods
 -Developing marketing campaigns to promote locally grown foods and Farmers’ Markets
 -Developing a directory of processors, growers, and rental spaces for processing
 -Developing “virtual” Farmers Markets or CSA’s – places where people could go t
 -Increasing access to healthy foods through corner store initiatives.
 -OTHER: Innovative Ideas that aim to increase consumption of healthy foods and increase access to those foods will be accepted

Eligible applicants include private businesses, faith institutions, non-profit organizations, government agencies and all other entities interested in moving the food system forward in our communities. Examples of potential organizations include: community organizations, churches, farmers’ markets, corner stores, food shelves, restaurants and other healthier food outlets to work on the Farm to Fork, Establishing/Creating Healthier Food Outlets or Nutrition Labeling. 

I have enclosed the application and application instructions/background information which provides more information. Please share this information with other you think may be interested in applying. Applications are due electronically to Chera Sevcik (  by 5:00p.m. on August 17, 2012.  Applicants will be notified of their grant award by September 17, with a grantee start date no later than October 1, 2012. SHIP staff are available to help formulate and brainstorm ideas, pre-approve SHIP allowable expenditures and answer any questions potential applicants may have. 

The application and application instructions are available by clicking the links below.

Community Nutrition Application

Community Nutrition Application Instructions

Friday, June 29, 2012

SHIP Helps Area Schools Find Their "SPARK"

Fairmont Area Schools hosted the SPARK Middle School and High School Trainings on June 6th and 7th 2012. Dr. Kristy Hilton lead both fun and active filled training days! Schools that participated in the trainings included, Fairmont Area Schools, Blue Earth Area, Martin County West, Jackson County Central, St. James, St. Paul Lutheran, Windom Area Schools, Southwest Star Concept and St. Casimirs. The training provided the schools with activities and assessments to make their physical education classes a more active and fun environment. These schools were provided with a Middle School workshop and a High School workshop. Each day consisted of new and exciting activities that were specific to each age group. During the trainings the schools were able to come together and discuss how they were currently running their programs and how SPARK will fit into their own programs. SPARK’s mission is to improve the health of children and adolescents by disseminating evidence-based physical activity and nutrition programs that provide curriculum, staff development, follow-up support, and equipment to teachers of Pre-K through 12th grade students. SPARK also focuses on making activities fun so they don’t give off a competitive feel. This helps students all join in on the activities and not feel excluded if they are not the best athlete in the class. SHIP believes SPARK will be a great asset to our grantees and looks forward to seeing how each school will implement SPARK into their curriculums for the 2012-2013 school year.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wellspring Faith in Action Senior Health Clinic

We are working with Wellspring Faith in Action in Watonwan County to screen, counsel and refer Senior Citizens to resources available to be physically active, eat nutritious foods and quit tobacco. Their first screening clinic included a free health risk assessment, nail care treatments, blood pressure & glucose readings, along with information on physical therapy and massage treatments.  This event also provided the community with information on how to receive other types of screenings at reduced costs such and mammogram screening and diabetes treatments.

For some low-income seniors, this is their only opportunity to seek these services. Wellspring will continue to work with seniors by offering more Senior Health Clinics and helping to refer and follow-up with seniors in need of additional resources. 

Here are a few photos of the Health Screening Clinic: 

Blue Earth Area Active Living Coalition/City of Blue Earth Receive Envision MN Technical Assistance Grant!

Congrats to Blue Earth Area Active Living Coalition for being one of six communities who received a technical assistance grant from Envision Minnesota!!

Envision Minnesota and the Building Sustainable Communities Consortium are pleased to announce that Blue Earth, MN is among six Minnesota communities that have been selected to receive free technical assistance this year, thanks to a grant to Forterra from the US EPA Office of Sustainable Communities under their Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program. These jurisdictions represent a diverse group of communities from across Minnesota, from metropolitan areas to rural small towns. All have a strong commitment to sustainability and sensible land use and are poised to implement positive change by making use of the assistance we are offering.

The city of Blue Earth will use Technical Assistance from Envision Minnesota to leverage a Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) grant to work on community walkability principles. The goal of the Technical Assistance is to identify opportunities to increase the walkability of the community through Complete Streets and downtown revitalization projects.

To view the full press release- click here!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Childcare Providers Moving and Grooving their Kids to Better Health!

Over 50 childcare providers and center staff attended  day long training to learn how to incorporate more meaningful physical activity and nutritious foods into their childcare setting. Providers were trained in two evidence-based programs - I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL) and Learning About Nutrition Through Activities (LANA). Participants of the training received curriculum and music for IMIL, a tote full of homemade play materials to use with children and information on how to access the LANA curriculum at their local library. 

SHIP Supervisor Chera Sevcik and staff Lia Lambert and Sandy Lorenz led the training which overviewed  concepts such as Moving with the Brain in Mind—utilizing movement to spark brain development and Child Assessment—identifying child maturation and development with movement. Childcare providers were up and moving as they learned how to incorporate fun music into their setting that helps children utilize brain development and meaningful movements—all the while, being physically active!

The IMIL Kit- which included soft balls for use indoors or out, netting, napkins and mechanics rags, Lummi Sticks, LANA recipe book, Yarn, Streamers and a jump drive of training materials and music. 

 Several of the songs included sign language :)

Lia and Chera demonstrate the "Build a Bridge" Song 

Nutrition was also overviewed as Lana the Iguana was featured as a way to engage children in eating eight fruits or vegetables featured in the program. LANA overviewed items such as how to encourage children to explore fruits and veggies using taste testing, cooking activities, menu changes and family engagement. Providers also learned about the importance of policy when looking at their practices for food and physical activity.

 LANA and her veggie pals on display at the training. These materials are available for check-out at libraries within the five counties. 

 Guests helped themselves to "traffic light" snacks, one of the many recipes found in the LANA cookbook!

Several providers commented on the impact the training provided for them. Valerie Zigich, a licensed home daycare provider, stated “This training is the best I've been to yet, and I’ve been doing daycare of 6 years! I am going to get cd’s for all of my daycare parents so they can move at home too!”

Carol Goeden, a long-time licensed home daycare providers in Wells, MN also commented on the value of the training stating, “This training was just awesome. In 36 years of child care this was the best training I've attended.  The presenters knew their material and were enthusiastic and the day was well worth attending, even on a Saturday at the end of a full week.  It's hard to find the right music and figure out movements and we left that day with a flash drive ready to use.  We were able to start using IMIL right away and the kids love it.  The nutrition information was also very valuable and the kids loved making and eating the Stoplight snack.   I plan to check out the LANA curriculum at the library and get more ideas for making nutritious snacks with the kids."   

SHIP Staff are looking at providing more training's in the Fall to catch those who were unable to attend the June 9 or June 23 training's. Staff are also available  to assist any provider, center or school-based center with  implementing the program, or with developing a policy for implementing healthy nutrition and physical activity practices into their setting. For more information, please contact Chera Sevcik at or by phone at 507-236-5376

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I am Moving, I am Learning/ LANA Training for childcare providers and educators

CJFMW SHIP is hosting two free training's for childcare providers and early childhood educators in June on the I am Moving, I am Learning Program and Learning about Nutrition Through Activities Program. See below for more details on the training's!  Click here to register!

(NOTE: Flyer with information takes about 30 seconds to load)
IMIL Poster 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

CJFMW SHIP Food Policy Council on it's way!

On Tuesday, April 17, thirty people from across Cottonwood, Jackson, Faribault, Martin and Watonwan Counties came together with a similar goal in mind- to discuss the food environment in their area. Audrey Arner (Moonstone Farms, Montevideo) facilitated the gathering which included discussions of all avenues of food (production, growing, processing, waste, health, etc.). At the end of the meeting, ten areas were identified as priority areas and a new Food Policy Council is currently being formed to work on these areas. A few of the areas identified include farm to school, farm to cafeteria, composting and healthy food avenues.

Audrey Arner facilitating group discussions


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Planning Tomorrow's Lunch - A Dialogue about the Food Environment in Faribault, Martin, Watonwan, Cottonwood and Jackson Counties.

Your invited to a gathering on April 17th to discuss Planning Tomorrow’s Lunch and provide input on food issues here in southern Minnesota. This will be a facilitated meeting and we need your input.

Rural Advantage received funds from the Statewide Health Improvement Program [SHIP], a program of the MN Department of Health, to develop and convene a Food Policy Council representing the following counties: Faribault, Watonwan, Martin, Cottonwood and Jackson.

To start the project off, we will be holding a large group meeting with three main goals:

1. Assess the region’s food environment

2. Identify priority food issues in south central MN

3. Identify 15 people to serve on the Food Policy Council

We are looking for input from a broad cross section of people working with food related issues in the region to contribute to the dialogue on April 17th. It is important that we hear from all sectors. If you are unable to attend, please ask a neighbor or someone else to attend in your place. If you have interest in serving on the Food Policy Council, please contact Jeff Jensen at the Rural Advantage office at 507.238.5449 or speak with him at the meeting. We are looking for at least three people from each county. The Council will be meeting monthly through June of 2013.

Please join us: Planning Tomorrow’s Lunch

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

2:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Knight’s of Columbus Building

920 East 10th Street, Fairmont, MN 56031

You can RSVP to the Rural Advantage office at 507.238.5449. Light sandwiches will be served and calling in will help us prepare for proper numbers. If you have any question please contact Jeff Jensen or Linda Meschke at the number above.

Monday, April 9, 2012

I am Moving, I am Learning!

Recently, five CJFMW staff and partners completed the I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL) training and are now certified to provide the IMIL trainings to anyone! The Statewide Health Improvement Program in Cottonwood, Jackson, Faribault, Martin and Watonwan Counties will offer the trainings at no cost to all childcare providers and early childhood educators in the coming months. (Dates TBA). In addition to IMIL, we will also offer a the LANA- Learning About Nutrition Through Activities Program. To learn more about IMIL and LANA or for resources to use with the programs check our our Childcare Resources Page.


Monday, March 26, 2012

SHIP 2.0 Grantees!

CJFMW SHIP is excited to announce our mini-grant awardees for SHIP 2.0! Their mini-grant applications began on February 1st and will continue through June 30, 2013. Mini-grants were awarded to sites who will work in one of nine strategy areas. The following gives a list of grantees and their focus areas:

Community Nutrition
Rural Advantage, a local non-profit organization in Fairmont, MN will work with CJFMW SHIP to establish and sustain a five county food policy council to address issues such as access and affordability to healthy foods. Once the council has been established, a needs assessment will be conducted to identify priority areas and populations within the jurisdiction and mini-grants will be awarded to local organizations and communities to work on achieving the goals established by the council.

Community Active Transportation
The Active Transportation strategy allows communities to provide safe and convenient opportunities for physical activity by incorporating policies and practices which impacts community design, land use, site planning, and facility access. These changes are proven effective at increasing the levels of physical activity. A number of specific policies and practices that create active communities are those that support non-motorized transportation.

The following communities received funds to work on the Community Active Transportation Strategy with CJFMW SHIP:

Voices of Wellness Committee in Wells, MN
City of Jackson, MN
City of Lakefield, MN
Blue Earth Area Active Living Coalition
Watonwan County (A Collaboration with the City of Madelia, City of St. James and Watonwan County)
City of Fairmont, MN

School Nutrition and Physical Activity
There are four strategies schools could choose to work on, which impact nutrition and physical activity. The Active School Day strategy allows schools to implement evidence-based strategies that increase physical activity during the school day. The Safe Routes to School Program allows schools to work with communities to promote walking and biking to and from school. Schools will also be working towards increasing student’s consumption of healthy foods by either incorporating Farm to School program, or by impacting policies and practices related to classroom celebrations, snacks, a la carte, vending and concessions.

The following schools received grants to work on the School Strategy with CJFMW SHIP:

Blue Earth Area Schools—School Nutrition Policies, Active School Day and Safe Routes to School
United South Central Schools - School Nutrition Policies, Farm to School, Safe Routes to School, Active School Day
Fairmont Area Schools —School Nutrition Policies, Safe Routes to School, Active School Day
Martin County West Schools —School Nutrition Policies, Active School Day
Jackson County Central Schools —School Nutrition Policies, Farm to School, Safe Routes to School, Active School Day
Windom Area Schools —School Nutrition Policies, Active School Day
St. James Public Schools—Farm to School and Active School Day

Worksite Wellness
The worksite wellness strategy works with employers to implement policies and practices that help employees be physically active, eat healthier and quit tobacco. There are several different ways worksites can accomplish these goals. SHIP will focus on establishing a worksite wellness committee, addressing company wellness policies and establishing evidence-based practices that are proven to better employee health. Evidence shows that healthier employees benefit employers by keeping health insurance costs down and increasing productivity.

The following worksites received grants to work on the Worksite Strategy with CJFMW SHIP:

Mayo Health Systems– Fairmont
Tony Downs Foods
Madelia Community Hospital
Wells Area Chamber of Commerce
Jackson County
Blue Earth Area Schools
United South Central Schools

Healthy Childcare/Early Childhood
The Healthy Childcare Strategy includes working with childcare centers, licensed home daycares and EFCE to implement policies and curriculum related to incorporating fruits and vegetables and physical activity into the day. In particular, two curriculum will be utilized LANA, Learning about Nutrition through Activities and IMIL, I am Moving, I am Learning. Trainings and materials will be provided at no cost for all childcare providers throughout the five counties. Additionally, mini-grants are available to ECFE and childcare providers to implement the curricula. So far, four mini-grants have been awarded to:

Watonwan County ECFE
Jackson County ECFE
Truman ECFE
Martin County West ECFE

Health Care Referral
The Health Care Referral strategy includes working with health care organizations to implement the –screen-counsel-refer and follow-up process which includes identifying patients with high BMI’s or tobacco use and providing referrals to services for weight loss and tobacco cessation within the community.

The following organizations received grants to work on the Health Care Referral strategy with CJFMW SHIP:

Mayo Health System’s Fairmont
Faribault-Martin County WIC
Cottonwood-Jackson County WIC
Watonwan County WIC
Wellspring Faith in Action

Tobacco Free Housing
The tobacco-free multi-unit housing strategy aims to help property owners, who are ready and willing, implement tobacco-free policies within their complexes. CJFMW is currently conducting an assessment of property owners within the five counties and will begin working with those property owners in the near future.

Tobacco Free Campus
The tobacco free campus strategy includes working with campuses to implement tobacco-free grounds policies and connect students and staff to tobacco cessation services. CJFMW SHIP is working with Presentation College and Minnesota West Campus in Jackson/Fairmont.